Month: January 2025
We need to | David …
For the candidates who wish to on their own account, land prices pose a challenge. Farmland values have risen by 22% since the start of the recession from £7,400 an acre to £9,000 an acre now .
Infarm to open one of …
London, United Kingdom, August 4th, 2021 – Infarm, the world’s fastest-growing urban company, has signed a contract for a new Growing Centre in Bedford which will measure 9,760 sqm in size, offering more than 5500 sqm of growing space in Infarm’s cloud-connected units. When fully equipped, the units – each occupying 25 sqm of …
and agricultural news and analysis –
All the latest agricultural news for the arable and livestock sectors across the . Keep up up-to-date with policy from Defra and the devolved governments, agricultural subsidies …
How innovative systems lead to sustainable
Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Systems (ASSIST) is a long-term national capability, jointly funded by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The programme develops innovative systems that maintain or increase productivity and resilience to future disturbances.
Rise of is being sold off …
The shift towards megafarms is not inevitable or necessary. Defra has included some measures to support ecological and human-scale , such as a nod towards reducing pesticide use, and a …
Growing our Future | Forum for the Future
1) Enabling cross-sector action. Throughout 2023 and 2024, Growing our Future is bringing together food system actors in focused collaborative working sessions. These will be in person wherever possible, alongside other major events in the food and calendar, and geographically dispersed, to engage actors across the nations.
Where is to know about …
Diddly Squat lies between Chipping Norton and Chadlington in Oxfordshire. It is in the northern tip of the Cotswolds. “It is a perfectly average really,” Jeremy told us. “1,000 acres, a few sheep, wheat, barley, rape. We wanted to say ‘this is what it’s like ’ [with the new show] and that’s what we’ve tried to do.”
Farmers in devolved nations face big drops in income post …
Last modified on Thu 7 Jan 2021 13.16 EST. Farmers in the ’s devolved administrations are facing substantial cuts to their income as a result of Brexit, which could imperil their ability to …
Main Challenges Facing the · Agricultural Recruitment …
Numerous factors have challenged the agricultural sector of late. The decreasing number of farmers, along with other socio-political and economic instability, can crash the industry entirely. However, the government is working towards solving these issues and the future of seems somewhat promising despite the current …